Closed by the Catholic Diocese in 2009, this former church (1948), school (1926) and rectory (1958) sat vacant for more than four years before MCM Company, Inc. purchased and rehabilitated the building campus into their headquarters and other for-lease tenant space. The project maintained the open space of the sanctuary while converting it to office and showroom space for a single-use tenant. Historic corridors, classrooms and cloakrooms were retained in the school, and finishes were upgraded in the rectory. The Cleveland Restoration Society and AIA Cleveland gave the project their 2016 Distinguished Adaptive Use of a Sacred Landmark Award.
Our Lady of Mercy Office Campus
Location: Cleveland, OH
Project Type: Historic Tax Credit Consultant
Three Buildings: 30,600 sq ft
Project Costs: $4,798,000
Federal Historic Tax Credit: $800,000
Ohio Historic Tax Credit: $1,000,000